Eden Theological Seminary is thrilled to announce Rev. Traci Blackmon as the Pastor-in-Residence for 2021 spring and summer terms.

While continuing to serve in national United Church of Christ leadership, Rev. Blackmon will enhance all UCC-connections with Eden Seminary. Rev. Blackmon will offer expertise on the shape of Progressive Christian Leadership in consultation with Eden’s faculty and staff.  Students will interact with Rev. Blackmon as she serves as a guest resource person, sharing her expertise with faculty and students as a denominational and pastoral leader.  Alumni, activist communities, and congregations will connect with Rev. Blackmon through the upcoming Spring Convocation, Presidential Installation, and other public forums.  As Eden’s classes and programming continue online during this time due to safety during the Coronavirus pandemic, this residency will utilize online platforms as our spaces of interaction.

Join us in a joyful welcome of Rev. Traci Blackmon, a powerful transformational leader, to this role with Eden Seminary!

February 12, 2021:

February 19, 2021:

February 26, 2021:

As part of helping current and future students participate in an Eden Education, you are invited to contribute toward the Reverend Dr. Enoch H. Oglesby Endowed Scholarship. This scholarship fund was created in celebration of the ministry – teaching, scholastic and prophetic witness – of the Reverend Dr. Enoch H. Oglesby. The originating scholarship documents note, in part, “Through his teaching, his passion for ecumenism and ethics, and his vision for a multi-racial global society of peace and justice, Dr. Oglesby taught, nurtured and sometimes prodded – but always loved the community of learning at Eden Seminary into being more fully “the Church” in the world…”

Dr. Enoch Oglesby has offered a challenge grant for contributions to the Eden scholarship named for him. Dr. Oglesby will match the first $5,000 in new contributions between now and February 2022. Thank you Dr. Oglesby!

 Donate here with note of Oglesby Scholarship in the designation box.


Our  “I Am Eden” video on October 9th, 2020 featured Rev. Dr. Christopher Grundy with Rev. Dr. Deb Krause as they talked about his new book, Recovering Communion in a Violent World.

Recovering Communion in a Violent World provides a challenging examination of how the ritual practice of reenacting the violence done to Jesus in Holy Communion can shape our instincts for living. Even as it critiques this aspect of the sacrament, however, the book offers biblical alternatives for a radical renewal of the Christian meal. Grounded in a theology of resilience, this project ultimately calls the church back to riskier communion practices that refuse to reenact the violence of crucifixion, focusing instead on practices that nurture openness, generosity, and the ability to find God in the other, even in the face of violence.

The result is a scholarly exploration that is both unflinching in its critique and passionate in its argument for the place of renewed sacramental meal practices in the church’s life and ministry. In an era when world religions have come under greater scrutiny as sources of violence, this book asks readers to look squarely at the reenactment of violence that has come to narrowly define Holy Communion for so long and imagine that more radical and generous practices are possible.