2023 Spring Convocation April 13 – 14
Presentations, Reunions, Small Groups, Meals and More! “From the Ground Up: Food Security, Food-to-Table Partnerships and Pastoral Care”






Eden Theological Seminary, in partnership with the United Church of Christ Justice & Local Church Ministries announces the establishment of the Center for Lived Faith and Organizing. 

The Center, with the support of a generous grant from the Fetzer Institute, will support people of faith engaged deeply in transforming the world through community and cultural organizing grounded in theology and faith.

The Center exists to educate, train, and connect communities with local and regional partners for long-term and sustainable ministry in organizing and justice work. Rev. Dr. Dietra Wise Baker, Assistant Professor of Community Engagement and Contextual Education, Director of Contextual Education, will serve as the founding faculty director. Rev. Dr. Justin Marshall Shamell will serve as the new Relationship Manager and Recruiter of Congregations.  

Bolstering Eden’s mission as a school of the church, the Center for Lived Faith and Organizing is part of Eden’s Certificate and Community Learning programs and intends to support congregations, justice seeking community members, clergy, and students.

If you are interested in learning more about the Center for Lived Faith and Organizing, please contact Dr. Wise Baker at [email protected] or fill out this form if you have questions!

Read the UCC article about the launch of the Center for Lived Faith and Organizing here.

Read the UCC article about the first-ever courses from the Center for Lived Faith and Organizing.

(Annual Bracke Public Lecture on Leadership)

The Future of Co-Vocational Ministry!
Join us to get an update on the latest trends from The Hartford Institute of Religious Research, about the state of the church, and what ministry jobs will look like in the future.


Dr. Allison Norton is the Faculty Associate in Migration Studies and Congregational Life at Hartford International University, where she directs the Pastoral Innovation Network of New England. She teaches courses in sociology of religion, immigration, and multicultural and inter-generational ministry. Her research and publications explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on U.S. congregations, the rise of megachurches in West Africa, the transnational dimension of African Pentecostalism, the role of migration on the worldwide expansion of the Christian faith, and the religious identities of the “new” second generation.

The Rev. Aaron Rogers is a passionate preacher, teacher, and nonprofit leader based in St. Louis, MO. He received his B.S. from Bradley University and his M. Div from Eden Theological Seminary. In his 10+ years of nonprofit leadership, he has served nonprofits, churches, and foundations. Most notably, Aaron served as the Associate Minister of Stewardship and Development at the historic Riverside Church in Harlem NY and as the Associate to the Rector for Trinity Episcopal Church in the Central West End neighborhood of St. Louis. He serves as chair of the board for East Side Aligned, a collective impact organization for children and youth in East Saint Louis and for Faith for Justice, a coalition of Christian activists in the St. Louis area. Currently, Aaron is a candidate for Holy Orders in the Episcopal Church and is completing a Diploma of Anglican Studies at Virginia Theological Seminary. He is passionate about racial equity, social justice, and creating thriving organizations.

Affectionately known as “Rev. Raquel,” the Reverend Raquel S. Lettsome, Ph.D.  informs and inspires congregants and classes through her preaching, teaching, writing, and online course and webinar experiences. To this end, she founded Raquel S. Lettsome, LLC. (www.raquelslettsome.com) to use these gifts in the service of churches and educational institutions to help them advance their missions. She is also the Founder & President of the not-for-profit corporation, RSL Ministries, Inc., (www.rslministries.com) where she works with faith leaders and lay people to interpret Scripture more effectively for preaching, teaching, and living. Dr. Lettsome is currently the Distinguished Visiting Scholar of the New Testament at Eden Theological Seminary (St. Louis, MO) and has been an invited lecturer and instructor for classes at Princeton Theological, Payne Theological, United Lutheran seminaries as well as national conferences, and denominational meetings. Dr. Lettsome is also a published author in the fields of homiletics, biblical studies, womanist biblical interpretation and theology, and Christian spirituality. Her latest publication, Breakthrough You! 30 Daily Devotions to Move You Forward, was a #1 New Release in Religion & Spirituality Short Reads on Amazon.com. Dr. Lettsome holds a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies (Yale University), a Master of Divinity (Princeton Theological Seminary) and is the first African American to earn a Ph.D. in New Testament Studies from Princeton Theological Seminary (2005).

Eden Theological Seminary stands in solidarity with those in Memphis demanding justice in policing. We pray for the Nichols family in their grief and anguish. Eden aligns with the statement (featured below) of Gamaliel’s Race and Power Institute’s Council of Presidents. Gamaliel is an educational partner of the seminary. “Gamaliel believes it is largely a national problem due to a culture of police militarization, an ingrained warrior mentality, flawed training, inadequate laws, lack of mental evaluation and support, racial discrimination, and deep-rooted impunity.”God in your mercy, hear our prayers, and move us to resist racism in all its forms.#BlackLivesMatter

From the Council of Presidents of Gamaliel’s Race and Power Institute
January 27, 2023

Once again, a senseless act of police brutality has taken the life of another black person. The murder of Mr. Tyre Nichols at the hands of five police officers (Tadarrius Bean, Demetrius Haley, Emmitt Martin III, Justin Smith, and Desmond Mills, Jr.) in Memphis, Tennessee has traumatized a family and a community. This incident started as result of a simple traffic stop, but ended in a brutal murder.

All five police officers have been fired and charged with second-degree murder, aggravated assault, aggravated kidnapping, official misconduct, and official oppression. What happened to Mr. Nichols in Memphis reveals a mob mentality by these five police officers. Did these police officers see a person or an object? Did they see themselves, a family member, or a fellow human being? The inhumane violence against Mr. Nichols was an act of utmost savagery. Mr. Nichols was dehumanized and depersonalized. The acts of violence perpetrated against Mr. Nichols denied him of his most basic human rights.

Some of the officers involved in the beating and death of Mr. Nichols were part of Memphis police’s SCORPION Unit. This unit, whose name is an acronym meaning Street Crimes Operation to Restore Peace In Our Neighborhoods, was created in 2021 to lower violent crime. Where was the peace connection when it came to Mr. Nichols? Who committed the violent crime? True officers of peace would have intervened. Not one of the officers stood up for the rights of Mr. Nichols. These officers participated in an immoral act against a citizen. Even the name Scorpion symbolizes death, evil, unpleasantness, and destruction. These officers lived up to the symbolism.

Brutality is intrinsic to the very core of so many police departments. Until America admits that its criminal justice system is broken, change cannot take place. Justice was denied Mr. Nichols on the streets of Memphis. Justice is now demanded toward the five police officers who brutally murdered Mr. Nichols.

Social justice groups, citizens in Memphis and people across the nation have spoken out against the horrific beating and death of Mr. Nichols. This includes: President Joe Biden, Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Director David Rausch, Memphis Police Chief Cerelyn Davis and Shelby County District Attorney General Steve Mulroy.
Why is police brutality so prevalent? The Criminal Legal System and the Culture of Policing in America are broken. Gamaliel believes it is largely a national problem due to a culture of police militarization, an ingrained warrior mentality, flawed training, inadequate laws, lack of mental evaluation and support, racial discrimination, and deep-rooted impunity. America’s police departments require deprograming from its historic systemic and structural composition. Only then can transformative justice take place.
Police brutality must end! Rev. Edward Lee Thompson
Chair, Gamaliel Council of Presidents

Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, addressed the United States Congress on Wednesday, December 21st using language and concepts of “Just Peace.” President Zelensky’s Ten Point Peace Formula presented both to the U.S. Congress and to other world leaders at November’s G20 summit in Bali, incorporates the wholistic vision of “Just Peace” included in theologies of “Just Peace” for which Eden Seminary, our alumni, related churches and colleagues of multiple faiths are known.

The connection between “Just Peace theology” and the current conflict centered in Ukraine is  particularly strong in this season of Christmas that highlights the hope of peace – “Peace with Justice.”  One of our Eden Seminary alumni and retired minister in the United Church of Christ, Rev. Paul (Chip)Jahn, has a powerful story to tell of the efficacy of “Just Peace” and in particular how it helped broker a peace treaty in Sri Lanka between the government and Tamil Tigers and in how it impacts work against domestic abuse in the United States.

The term “Just Peace” was used first by the United Church of Christ that declared itself a “Just Peace” denomination after a group of Christian ethicists of many church traditions outlined a position of the deeper engagement needed to transform violent conflict into a sustainable just peace. Eden Seminary was at the forefront of this movement as then Professor Douglas Meeks helped write the original pronouncement voted on by the United Church of Christ General Synod in 1985.

“Just Peace” is more than a desired outcome for the conflict in the Ukraine. It is a new model many who are responsible for resolving violent conflict use to engage a series of practices developed in the early 1980s. It recognizes the old models of both pacifism and just war have been inadequate in either avoiding, limiting or resolving violent conflict.   Rev. Jahn incorporates his experiences  and more detail of a “Just Peace” model here. Read more . . . Just Peace Experiences


Prices valid through Dec. 21.  Available online where noted.

Save on holiday gifts! In-store purchases only—not available online except where noted.


New Interpreter’s Bible—SAVE MORE THAN 80%
Twelve-volumes plus index—1 set available
Regular price: $888
Your price: $120

New Interpreter’s Bible Dictionary—SAVE 80%
Four-volume set—1 set available
Regular price: $300
Your price: $60

The Anchor Bible Dictionary—SAVE 80%
Six-volume set—1 set available
Regular price: $390
Your price: $78


Save 30% on biblical commentaries and studies
Includes volumes in the Interpretation, WBC, IBC, and Wisdom Commentary series and individual titles.

Save 30% on books for children and youth
All children’s, young readers, and young adult titles.


Save 30% on Eden logo apparel—includes online purchases
Zip hoodies, polos, t-shirts, baseball caps, and messenger bags.

Save 30% on Eden logo drink-ware—includes online purchases
Ceramic mugs and travel tumblers featuring the Eden logo.

Save on clearance apparel

  • Fleece jackets—Men’s size S; Women’s sizes M & S—$10 each
  • Sweatshirts (various styles)—Size S only—$10 each
  • Polo shirts (long and short sleeve)—Men’s sizes M & 2XL; Women’s sizes S, M, L, XL—$7 each
  • T-shirts—Size S only—$3.75 each

Save 75% on select gift items
Folk-art crosses from El Salvador and other selected gift items.

Hand-crafted nail crosses
Only $5 each—great for stocking stuffers. Wear as a pendant or add to a key-chain.

The bookstore will be closed Nov. 24–25 and Dec. 23–Jan. 8.

Regular bookstore hours:

  • Monday–Thursday: 1–5 p.m.
  • Friday: 1-4 p.m.

[email protected]
314-918-2519 (on campus: 72519)
Scott Holl, Manager

Among the largest single grants received in its history, Eden Theological Seminary receives grant for $4,999,995 from Lilly Endowment Inc. to implement a Network Model of Theological Education. The programming and relationship building resourced by the grant will take place over the next five years.

Read UCC national news story here 

The three initiatives of the Network Model include collaborations among theological schools, undergraduate colleges and universities and United Church of Christ conferences.

Read Press Release here:

“In the Network Model of Theological Education we are navigating a historic shift in the culture of higher education and of the church, and we are encouraged to do so in such good company and toward such good purpose.”
– President Deborah Krause

Eden Theological Seminary has received a grant of $4,999,995 from Lilly Endowment Inc. to help implement a Network Model of Theological Education.

The program is being funded through the third and final phase of Lilly Endowment’s Pathways for Tomorrow Initiative. The Initiative is designed to help theological schools across the United States and Canada as they prioritize and respond to the most pressing challenges they face as they prepare pastoral leaders for Christian congregations both now and into the future.

Eden Theological Seminary’s Network Model of Theological Education includes three initiatives engaging institutional, denominational, and congregational partners across North America to build capacity, increase demand, and expand access for theological education in service of congregations and ministries of the progressive Christian movement.

  1. Theological Schools – Sharing faculty resources and courses to equip and empower leaders for the progressive Christian movement.
  2. Undergraduate Colleges and Universities – Awakening vocations for social transformation and congregational ministry.
  3. United Church of Christ Conferences – Supporting assessment and educational resources to form capacities for “Marks of Faithful and Effective Authorized Ministers”

Drawing on over a half century of demonstrated impact in its Contextual Education program, Eden is adapting its curriculum centered on immersive, experiential, mentored learning in diverse contexts of ministry to distance learning. We are collaborating with the church and its institutions of higher learning to create greater access for leaders to be formed and empowered for transformational ministries in the congregations and communities they serve. Far from seeing the theological school as a center to which the church and its leaders come for instruction, the Network Model positions the Seminary working collaboratively with other schools, organizations, and denominations, to equip and empower leaders the church needs for today.

Eden’s President, Rev. Dr. Deborah Krause, gives thanks. “Lilly Endowment’s challenge to collaborate with other institutions and organizations empowered Eden Seminary to resist habits of competition in our operation as a school to foster connections to join our resources with those of other schools and denominational bodies to strengthen and support the church and its leaders. In the Network Model of Theological Education we are navigating a historic shift in the culture of higher education and of the church, and we are encouraged to do so in such good company and toward such good purpose.”

Schools and conferences providing letters stating their support of the collaborative initiatives include: United Theological Seminary, Chicago Theological Seminary, Christian Theological Seminary, Memphis Theological Seminary, Lutheran Theological Seminary, Saskatoon, Canada, St. Andrew’s College, Canada, College of Emmanuel & St. Chad, Saskatoon, Canada, Lakeland University, Tougaloo College, LeMoyne-Owen College, Hawaiʿi Conference UCC, Rocky Mountain Conference UCC, Illinois South Conference UCC, Missouri Mid-South Conference UCC, Penn Central Conference UCC.

Eden Theological Seminary is one of 16 theological schools that has received grants to fund large-scale, highly collaborative programs through the Pathways initiative. Lilly Endowment believes these programs have the potential to become models for other schools as they seek to strengthen the way they educate pastors and other congregational leaders.

“Theological schools play an essential role in ensuring that Christian congregations have a steady stream of well-prepared leaders to guide their ministries,” said Christopher L. Coble, the Endowment’s vice president for religion. “Many theological schools believe that their paths to the future depend on their abilities to form strategic partnerships with other schools and church agencies. These grants will help seminaries develop innovative and collaborative approaches to theological education that we believe will strengthen their efforts to prepare and support excellent leaders for Christian communities into the future.”

Lilly Endowment launched the Pathways initiative in January 2021 because of its longstanding interest in supporting efforts to enhance and sustain the vitality of Christian congregations by strengthening the leadership capacities of pastors and congregational lay leaders.

About Lilly Endowment Inc.
Lilly Endowment Inc. is a private philanthropic foundation created in 1937 by J.K. Lilly Sr. and his sons Eli and J.K. Jr. through gifts of stock in their pharmaceutical business, Eli Lilly and Company. While those gifts remain the financial bedrock of the Endowment, the Endowment is a separate entity from the company, with a distinct governing board, staff and location. In keeping with the founders’ wishes, the Endowment supports the causes of community development, education and religion and maintains a special commitment to its hometown, Indianapolis, and home state, Indiana. The principal aim of the Endowment’s religion grantmaking is to deepen and enrich the lives of American Christians, primarily by seeking out and supporting efforts that enhance the vitality of congregations and strengthen the pastoral and lay leadership of Christian communities. The Endowment also seeks to improve public understanding of diverse religious traditions by supporting fair and accurate portrayals of the role religion plays in the United States and across the globe.

October 1, 2022 @9 am – 3 pm- Workshops
October 2, 2022 @7:00 pm- Performance, Festival of Psalms (Great for All Ages)

About the Instructors:

Valerie Tutson, a life-long member of the UCC has been telling stories around the world since 1991. Her repertoire includes tales from around the world with an emphasis on African and African American traditions and history. She is also well-known for her re-telling of age old Bible stories and is sought after as both a performer and workshop leader.



Richard Bruxvoort Colligan desires adventurous and imaginative music for the church. As a full-time composer and musician, he serves across denominations teaching about music and spiritual formation. Known for hymn forms, simple chant and pop-rock arrangements, he has several albums of original worship music. Richard is currently immersed in a long-term study of the Psalms. He is the owner of Worldmaking.net, and his songs have been published by the ELCA, UMC, UCC and PCUSA

Course Description:
There is no doubt the world has been in a season of deep pain, grief, loss and trauma. We have been shaken to the core by the global COVID pandemic and re-awakened to the calls for racial justice and the Movement for Black Lives. Everyday we are hearing the news of wars in the world.
It can seem overwhelming. We may feel at a loss.
Especially as the world is trying to “return to normal.”
How do we return to “what was”, without telling the story of where we’ve been?

We can’t.

For as long as people have lived, they have used story and song to make meaning of their experiences: who they are, whose they are, what has happened to them and why that matters.
How does this moment NOW help us reflect on THEN, so we can prepare for WHAT’s NEXT?

In this day long exploration, these dynamic workshop leaders invite you to chart the Story Arc found in Biblical texts and your own lives.

Join Richard Bruxvoort Colligan in an examination of the Psalms and how they tell stories that chart the psalmists’ journey from complaint, to hope, to gratitude.

Valerie will lead us through a process of re/membering our own stories, and finding new connections with Biblical tales.

This is a chance for our church leaders to reconnect with themselves, their stories and Biblical text in fresh new ways.

Not only will you be re-freshed, you will also come away with tools/ideas/techniques you can use with your community to help us all Turn Toward Joy