Eden Leadin’ Giving Event May 29-30

On May 29th at noon, we set out to raise $60,000 in 24 hours. As of 3:00 pm CT on May 30th, the total amount raised was $75,477!  

In those 24 hours, stories of the transformational impact of Eden were shared across the globe.

The Eden community showed up – and even more beloved members were added to the Eden community. Friends and family were honored. “Eden Leadin’ Giving Event” Team Leaders were honored. Eden graduating classes of 1962, 1993, 1994, 2011 and so on…were honored. Gifts were made in appreciation of Eden faculty and staff, of church congregations, of pastors…

Listen to what recent Eden graduates and students had to say about the impact of Eden and our generous donors!

Below are just a few comments posted with gifts:
-I could not be a pastor today without Eden. So formational.
-May Eden Theological Seminary continue to serve God for many years to come.
-Eden, shaping and developing church leaders to serve God’s people.
-Instead of Coffee today. I support transforming lives.
-Go Eden! You all rock!
-#edenleadin, love my school! ❤️
-Onward Eden! The world needs you!
-To the Eden Seminary community that helped raise me.
-For unending coffee through thesis revisions.
-In deep gratitude for the foundations built for my ministry.

These financial investments in Eden Theological Seminary help transform not only the individual lives of our students, but the thousands of people who will be touched by their work in faith communities and the world.

When the giving platform finally closed on June 6th, $75,658 had been donated.  The love for Eden made this possible and is helping us keep being Eden Leadin’! Thank you.