Recommend a student for Fall 2020. The time has never been better.

#IamEden – We are Eden!

We challenge you, our Eden family, to encourage prospective students to consider Eden for this fall.

The time has never been better.  Half price tuition this year. Application process expedited.

It has been a busy summer in ministry and mission for all of us. As the COVID 19 health crisis has gripped our world, churches and organizations have had to adapt. At Eden, we have noticed and celebrated the ways in which Eden alumni and friends have been innovating in worship, justice witness, faith formation, and compassion to continue in ministry while keeping people safe. At Eden we have no less adapted – building an entirely online schedule for fall 2020 for our vibrant community of learning and faith. In addition to a fully online course and contextual education schedule, faculty and staff have prepared for community life structured with many opportunities to engage in chapel worship, student cabinet leadership, supplementary learning and formation activities (weekly forums held by our Dean of Students in self-care, ministry formation, etc.), networking events, social events, and social justice and community engagement.

If there were ever a time to engage at Eden – it’s now.

  • Tuition is half price
  • Schedule is accessible (online and flexible for work and family life)
  • Contextual Education has adapted to virtual learning – innovate in ministry with trained supervisors and Eden faculty (many placements offer $400 per month)
  • Student satisfaction is high (spring 2020 on-line evaluations show Eden students are highly satisfied with the new format)
  • Faculty and staff are excited and engaged
  • The world needs the church and its ministry more than ever, and vital/well educated/trained leaders to serve

Connect with Eden Admissions Staff.  Call 314-918-2642.
Or Email: [email protected]